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Gazzaladra Design

A little helper for your next BBQ. Stop getting greasy fingers from eating delicious corn cobs. The texture provides a good grip.

Various hole sizes are provided for different toothpick diameters from 2,0 to 3,2 mm
You have two options:
Choose your stl quite loose (diameter of the toothpick plus ca 0,4 mm depending on your printer’s accuracy) so the toothpicks get stuck in the cob when you remove the holder. This way you can then use the toothpicks as handle to throw the cob away without getting greasy fingers.
Choose your stl quite tight so the toothpicks don’t get loose when removing the holder and change them from time to time.

Choose your stl
Print at least two of the holders
Break or cut toothpicks in half
Insert them
Remove the holders and throw away the cub

Size without toothpick: 25 x 25 x 36 mm

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