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I have designed a version of the famous board game "Catan" that you can take with you in your pocket.

If you play this game, you know how big and bulky the game box is, which makes it impossible to take Catan on a trip. With this pocket version, you'll be able to carry it easily and lightly anywhere.

A box has been designed with space fully optimized for the game. All components of the standard game are printed, except for the cards, dice, and number tokens (which you should keep from your original Catan).

You will find the files for the board (hexagons), where there is no sea, so the ports are printed as separate tokens. The card holders for resources are printed in the same color as the hexagons associated with that resource (the card holders for the game cards are wider). The piece holders fit into the box (you should print two of each type of holder as they are symmetrical), and the pieces for each player (roads, settlements, and cities) are printed in 4 different colors of your choice. The robber figure is also printed. The placement of the pieces in the box is strict so that everything fits well, so follow the images for guidance.

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